
Durapure logo


Durapure logo

The organic coating

Dura­pu­re is a fle­xi­ble, hard-wea­ring, uni-colo­red and seam­less cast flo­o­ring made of purely natu­ral bio­po­ly­mer. Dura­pu­re can be used as a design flo­or in edu­ca­ti­on, the medi­cal sec­tor, offices, muse­ums, but also in pri­va­te homes. Dura­pu­re is the per­fect solu­ti­on for owners and users who place high demands on com­fort, wear and impact resis­tance and hygie­ne. Dura­pu­re is the seam­less wall-to-wall solu­ti­on for a clean look.

The P&K Flo­o­ring­group is a cer­ti­fied part­ner for the instal­la­ti­on of Walk on Green flo­ors.

All advan­ta­ges, num­e­rous refe­rence examp­les, the color sel­ec­tion and all tech­ni­cal data can be found direct­ly at Walk on Green “.

Your request

Your cont­act per­son

Lars Knauseder

Lars Knauseder


Tele­fon +49 7195 90662–15

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