Quiflex® decoupling on dock levellers and steel rails

Quiflex Liquid Joint White Logo

Quiflex® decoupling on dock levellers and steel rails

Quiflex Liquid Joint White Logo

The problem

Dock level­lers in logi­stics are expo­sed to extre­me loads. The enti­re flow of goods, which is other­wi­se dis­tri­bu­ted throug­hout the enti­re hall, comes tog­e­ther here. In addi­ti­on, the­re are extre­me tem­pe­ra­tu­re dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween insi­de and out­side and the fact that dif­fe­rent mate­ri­als come tog­e­ther, in most cases steel and con­cre­te. Vibra­ti­ons that occur when dri­ving over and impacts cau­sed by approa­ching trucks do the rest.

Steel rails on joint con­s­truc­tions or around sca­les that can­not be remo­ved due to their size cau­se simi­lar pro­blems. This leads to increased out­breaks at the tran­si­ti­on. This results in wear and tear on pal­let trucks, lon­ger loa­ding times and cos­ts for fal­ling goods.

The solution

As the loads at the tran­si­ti­ons can­not be redu­ced, only a fle­xi­ble con­s­truc­tion can per­ma­nent­ly absorb the vibra­ti­ons and tem­pe­ra­tu­re fluc­tua­tions. The Quiflex® Liqui­dent cou­pling is instal­led direct­ly on site accor­ding to your requi­re­ments. Thanks to the adap­ta­ble con­s­truc­tion and its per­ma­nent­ly tough-ela­s­tic pro­per­ties, repairs at the tran­si­ti­ons are a thing of the past.

Advantages of Quiflex® joints for dock levellers and steel rails


Can be driven over completely vibration-free


Reduced tire wear


Shock and vibration decoupling of the dock levellers


Reduction in maintenance costs for industrial trucks


No ongoing maintenance and refurbishment costs


No problem with high temperature fluctuations


Faster loading times thanks to full overrun speed


Reduction of vibration exposure for man and machine



Case Study

Rofu Kin­der­land
(937 KB)

Your request

Your cont­act per­son

Rupert Rauhut

Rupert Rauhut

Pro­ject manage­ment

Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–64

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