QUIFLEX® joint for food areas

Quiflex Liquid Joint White Logo

QUIFLEX® joint for food areas

Quiflex Liquid Joint White Logo

The problem

Hygie­ne is the top prio­ri­ty in food pro­ces­sing com­pa­nies. In clas­sic joint con­s­truc­tions, a gap always remains in which germs and bac­te­ria accu­mu­la­te, which can never be com­ple­te­ly avo­ided despi­te inten­si­ve clea­ning. Attemp­ting to clo­se this gap with a sealant crea­tes a main­ten­an­ce joint. This has to be regu­lar­ly main­tai­ned and repla­ced, which is cos­t­ly and time-con­sum­ing.

The solution

The best joint solu­ti­on is to make the joint dis­ap­pear. Thanks to the design of the Quiflex® Food joint, the joint gap dis­ap­pears com­ple­te­ly. The result is a clo­sed, homo­ge­neous sur­face that is easy to clean and requi­res no main­ten­an­ce.


Quiflex liquid joint for the food sector
Quiflex liquid joint for the food sector

Your request

Your cont­act per­son

Rupert Rauhut

Rupert Rauhut

Pro­ject manage­ment

Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–64

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