Venetian stone floor

Venetian stone floor

The mineral floor with timeless stone character

“Pie­tra di Vene­zia” crea­tes pres­ti­gious rooms with a distinct­ly Ita­li­an style of living. With its high aes­the­tic value, the flo­or beco­mes an important part of an inte­gra­ted inte­ri­or design — in living spaces, stores, bars, bou­ti­ques, offices, sur­ge­ries and com­mer­cial spaces.

With its many vari­ants, the flo­or adapts per­fect­ly to your needs. From the old flo­ors of Vene­ti­an palaces to coun­try hou­ses and modern archi­tec­tu­re, the­re is the right solu­ti­on for every style.

Advantages of the Venetian stone floor



“Pie­tra di Vene­zia” is natu­ral­ly ivo­ry in color and can be tin­ted with mine­ral pig­ments in many shades. The addi­ti­on of mica, marb­le, glass etc. crea­tes luxu­rious vari­ants. For exam­p­le, we achie­ve a beau­tiful ter­raz­zo look by adding colo­red marb­le and mother-of-pearl.

Ecologically sound

Vene­ti­an stone flo­o­ring joins the ranks of eco­lo­gi­cal­ly sound, even “bio­com­pa­ti­ble” buil­ding mate­ri­als. The sys­tem is based on so-cal­led “magne­si­te cement”, which requi­res only around 20–40% of the ener­gy con­su­med in the pro­duc­tion of Port­land cement.

Highly resilient, antistatic

Thanks to its high mecha­ni­cal load-bea­ring capa­ci­ty, the flo­or is also sui­ta­ble for chair cas­tors, pal­let trucks etc. short­ly after instal­la­ti­on. Pro­per­ly pro­tec­ted, it is insen­si­ti­ve to dirt and even resistant to sol­vents, oils and grea­ses. It is also anti­sta­tic, making it ide­al for hos­pi­tals, sur­ge­ries and aller­gy suf­fe­rers.





Vene­ti­an stone flo­or

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Your request

Your cont­act per­son

Heinz Knauseder

Heinz Knauseder


Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–0

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