Contact person

You’ve come to the right place.

What can we do for you? Do you have gene­ral ques­ti­ons about our flo­or cove­rings or a spe­ci­fic request? Call us or send us an email: You can reach our team by pho­ne from Mon­day to Fri­day from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.


Heinz Knau­se­der
Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–0
Wri­te an e‑mail


Manue­la Gre­ber
Assistant to the Exe­cu­ti­ve Board
Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–65
Wri­te an e‑mail

Placeholder employees

Ant­je Ren­ner
Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–0
Wri­te an e‑mail


Heinz Knau­se­der
Inter­na­tio­nal Sales
Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–0
Wri­te an e‑mail

Lars Knau­se­der
Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–15
Mobi­le: +49 173 3488303
Wri­te an e‑mail

Kon­stan­ti­nos Ara­pi­dis
Key Account Mana­ger
Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–42
Mobi­le: +49 173 3488306
Wri­te an e‑mail

Placeholder employees

Nina Oppen­län­der
Sales Coor­di­na­tor
Assistant to the Exe­cu­ti­ve Board
Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–40
Wri­te an e‑mail

Placeholder employees

Your name could be here
Unso­li­ci­ted appli­ca­ti­on


Vanes­sa Wienß
Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–0
Wri­te an e‑mail

Tina Itter­mann
Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–0
Wri­te an e‑mail

Rupert Rau­hut
Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–64
Mobi­le +49 173 3488302
Wri­te an e‑mail

Employee Nicolai Wiederhold

Nico­lai Wie­der­hold
Site mana­ger
Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–18
Mobi­le: +49 173 3488304
Wri­te an e‑mail

Placeholder employees

Fabio Hahn
Assistant to the pro­ject mana­ger
Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–11
Mobi­le: +49 173 3488318
Wri­te an e‑mail

Warehouse logistics

Rolf Man­dl
Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–0