Duramique logo in white


Duramique logo in white
Logo Walk on Green

The mineral casting surface, also for commercial areas and rooms

DURAMIQUE® design screed com­bi­nes the advan­ta­ges of a flowing screed with a par­ti­cu­lar­ly robust flo­or cove­ring. Natu­ral raw mate­ri­als and 100% zero emis­si­ons crea­te a per­ma­nent­ly healt­hy indoor cli­ma­te. The decis­i­on for DURAMIQUE® is the decis­i­on for an attrac­ti­ve appearance. The pou­red flo­o­ring can be used on prac­ti­cal­ly any sub­stra­te and can be laid from a thic­k­ness of around 10 mm. Num­e­rous cus­to­mers in the pri­va­te and com­mer­cial sec­tors app­re­cia­te this.

Advantages of DURAMIQUE®


All freedom in design

DURAMIQUE® meets the hig­hest design stan­dards. The palet­te of 13 basic colors varies from warm, natu­ral tones to exci­ting designs and subt­le shades of grey. Even mul­ti­ple colors wit­hout divi­ders are pos­si­ble. The sur­face is fur­ther pro­tec­ted by tre­at­ment with DURAMIQUE® impreg­na­ting wax, con­sis­ting of natu­ral oils and waxes. The resul­ting sil­ky sheen under­lines the indus­tri­al look of your desi­gner flo­or.


Quickly installed

DURAMIQUE® sets new stan­dards for con­tract flo­o­ring right from the appli­ca­ti­on stage: with its excel­lent pro­ces­sing pro­per­ties, it can be laid at a rate of up to 400 m² per day. Your flo­or can be wal­ked on again after just 24 hours! This makes it a good part­ner for archi­tects and desi­gners, espe­ci­al­ly in the com­mer­cial sec­tor.

Versatile and easy to clean

DURAMIQUE® can be used in many are­as. For exam­p­le, in office buil­dings, schools, govern­ment buil­dings, shop­ping cen­ters, muse­ums and gal­le­ries. The mine­ral cast flo­ors are color-fast, scratch-resistant, insen­si­ti­ve to grease and oil and par­ti­cu­lar­ly resi­li­ent. More and more archi­tects and inte­ri­or desi­gners are being won over by its fle­xi­bi­li­ty.


Duramique design screed flooring
Duramique design screed flooring
Duramique design screed flooring
Duramique design screed flooring
Duramique design screed flooring
Duramique design screed flooring
Duramique design screed flooring
Duramique design screed flooring
Duramique design screed flooring
Duramique design screed flooring
Duramique design screed flooring
Duramique design screed flooring
Duramique design screed flooring
Duramique design screed flooring



DURAMIQUE® con­tract flo­o­ring
(1.7 MB)

Your request

Your cont­act per­son

Lars Knauseder

Lars Knauseder


Tele­fon +49 7195 90662–15

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