School / Sport

Sector: School / Sport

Floors for schools and sports facilities

Schools today are a far cry from the edu­ca­tio­nal estab­lish­ments of the past. Colorful flo­or cove­rings in rooms and hall­ways moti­va­te child­ren to get invol­ved and be crea­ti­ve. The who­le thing is coor­di­na­ted with the planner’s color con­cept. Just as important as the visu­al appearance are the tech­ni­cal pro­per­ties of con­tract flo­o­ring in the school and sports sec­tor. Tip­ping chairs and chairs that are pushed back and forth place the hig­hest demands on the scratch resis­tance of the flo­o­ring. In the sports sec­tor, step-absor­bing flo­or cove­rings are in demand, in show­ers and chan­ging rooms slip-resistant flo­or cove­rings.

Which school floors are you interested in?


Der fugen­lo­se Design-Est­rich

Durapure »

Krea­ti­ve Boden­beschichtung in unend­li­chen Designs

Durabella Terrazzo »

Der ästhe­ti­sche Bio-Ter­raz­zo

Corques Liquid Lino »

Der flüs­si­ge Lin­ole­um-Boden

Venezianischer Steinboden »

Der mine­ra­li­sche Boden mit zeit­lo­sem Stein­cha­rak­ter

Großküchen-Beschichtungen »

Robus­te und hygie­ni­sche Böden für Restau­rant- und Kan­ti­nen­kü­chen

Your request

Your cont­act per­son

Heinz Knauseder

Heinz Knauseder


Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–0

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