VDMA tramline grinding

Superflat Präzisionsschliff VDMA Logo weiß

VDMA tramline grinding

Superflat Präzisionsschliff VDMA Logo weiß

For smoother running, more safety and higher goods turnover in the high-bay warehouse

In order to meet the incre­asing safe­ty requi­re­ments in ever grea­ter sto­rage heights and to achie­ve maxi­mum loa­ding and through­put speed, we have also deve­lo­ped the tram­li­ne pre­cis­i­on grin­ding accor­ding to VDMA for flo­ors in exis­ting buil­dings. VDMA tram­li­ne grin­ding is the inex­pen­si­ve alter­na­ti­ve to a cos­t­ly com­ple­te reno­va­ti­on of exis­ting high-bay warehou­ses. Lift trucks wobbling is mini­mi­zed, whe­re­as smooth run­ning and dri­ving com­fort are signi­fi­cant­ly increased, and annoy­ing mal­func­tions and break­downs are avo­ided.

Advantages of VDMA tramline grinding

No disruption to ongoing operations

Thanks to our low-dust dry grin­ding tech­no­lo­gy, which we app­ly ais­le by ais­le, ongo­ing warehouse ope­ra­ti­ons are only mini­mal­ly affec­ted. In addi­ti­on, a par­al­lel reno­va­ti­on of dama­ged joints is pos­si­ble with the Quiflex liquid joint solu­ti­on. Thanks to our low san­ding heel (< 2 mm), it is still pos­si­ble to dri­ve across with a lift truck.


Fulfillment of the strictest requirements

We achie­ve the flat­ness and the short-wave fac­tor Fx of the VDMA as well as the flat­ness of DIN EN 15620 and thus also meet the stric­ter requi­re­ments of the lea­ding for­k­lift manu­fac­tu­r­ers bey­ond the level of DIN 15185. On request, you will recei­ve a mea­su­re­ment report that objec­tively docu­ments the impro­ve­ment in flat­ness.





Super­flat Prä­zi­si­ons­schliff
(2 MB)

Your request

Your cont­act

Heinz Knauseder

Heinz Knauseder


Pho­ne +49 7195 90662–0

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