Your specialist for industrial flooring, design flooring, coatings and joints

P&K Flooringgroup is a specialist in all types of floor coverings. Whether it’s resistant industrial flooring, high-precision super-flat flooring, attractive design flooring, high-performance floor coatings or maintenance-free joint solutions – our qualified specialist consultants are at your side with many years of experience, maximum reliability, great creativity and, last but not least, our comprehensive and innovative product portfolio.

Your full-service provider for floor coverings



Before the start of a renovation, we prepare a comprehensive subsoil analysis. We measure the flatness and check the floor for asbestos, for example. To do this, we rely on our in-house laboratory.


Both a renovation and a new building require creativity and experience. As part of a comprehensive renovation or new construction concept, we set the course for a floor that will give you pleasure for a long time.


If possible, the execution of your floor will be carried out on weekends. We also carry out some work during ongoing operations without interfering with your finely tuned workflows.



With our extensive measurement services, we check and document the performance provided. For example, on flatness, conductivity or slip resistance. We also carry out measurements of your indoor air to ensure that all remediation measures have been successful.


On request, we can offer you a maintenance contract that guarantees you cost certainty and a perfect condition of your floor for years to come. The inspections can be carried out by our trained staff or, if desired, by independent experts.

News from the world of P&K

Which floors are you interested in?

Industrial Flooring »

Toughness, hardness and elasticity all in one

Superflat floors »

High-precision, extremely flat floor for high-bay warehouses and narrow-aisle warehouses

Design Flooring »

Although the appearance of the floor also plays a major role

Floor Coatings »

Protection for a wide range of requirements

Joint solutions »

The maintenance-free joint solution for logistics and production areas

The P&K Newsletter.

With our newsletter we inform you about new product developments, special customer projects and upcoming events.

Certificates and Memberships

BEB – Federal Association of Screed and Flooring Heinz Knauseder is chairman of the working groups on magnesia screed and narrow aisle systems
RAL quality control
CEN Member of the European Committee for Standards for Flatness in Logistics Centres – Narrow Aisle Warehouses
Quiflex Certified installer for Quiflex
Fachverband Fußbodenbau Baden-Württemberg Guild of Screed and Flooring Württemberg P&K has been a member for over 25 years
DIN – German Industry Standard Member of the Standards Committee for Screed Standards Guest member of the Standards Committee for Building Tolerances
TRGS 519 Approved for pollutant remediation according to TRGS 519 (asbestos removal)
TÜV monitors according to §63 of the Water Resources Act
