Your specialist for industrial flooring, design flooring, coatings and joints

P&K Flo­o­ring­group is a spe­cia­list in all types of flo­or cove­rings. Whe­ther it’s resistant indus­tri­al flo­o­ring, high-pre­cis­i­on super-flat flo­o­ring, attrac­ti­ve design flo­o­ring, high-per­for­mance flo­or coa­tings or main­ten­an­ce-free joint solu­ti­ons – our qua­li­fied spe­cia­list con­sul­tants are at your side with many years of expe­ri­ence, maxi­mum relia­bi­li­ty, gre­at crea­ti­vi­ty and, last but not least, our com­pre­hen­si­ve and inno­va­ti­ve pro­duct port­fo­lio.

Your full-service provider for floor coverings



Befo­re the start of a reno­va­ti­on, we prepa­re a com­pre­hen­si­ve sub­soil ana­ly­sis. We mea­su­re the flat­ness and check the flo­or for asbes­tos, for exam­p­le. To do this, we rely on our in-house labo­ra­to­ry.


Both a reno­va­ti­on and a new buil­ding requi­re crea­ti­vi­ty and expe­ri­ence. As part of a com­pre­hen­si­ve reno­va­ti­on or new con­s­truc­tion con­cept, we set the cour­se for a flo­or that will give you plea­su­re for a long time.


If pos­si­ble, the exe­cu­ti­on of your flo­or will be car­ri­ed out on weekends. We also car­ry out some work during ongo­ing ope­ra­ti­ons wit­hout inter­fe­ring with your fine­ly tun­ed work­flows.



With our exten­si­ve mea­su­re­ment ser­vices, we check and docu­ment the per­for­mance pro­vi­ded. For exam­p­le, on flat­ness, con­duc­ti­vi­ty or slip resis­tance. We also car­ry out mea­su­re­ments of your indoor air to ensu­re that all reme­dia­ti­on mea­su­res have been suc­cessful.


On request, we can offer you a main­ten­an­ce con­tract that gua­ran­tees you cost cer­tain­ty and a per­fect con­di­ti­on of your flo­or for years to come. The inspec­tions can be car­ri­ed out by our trai­ned staff or, if desi­red, by inde­pen­dent experts.

News from the world of P&K

Which floors are you interested in?

Superflat floors »

High-pre­cis­i­on, extre­me­ly flat flo­or for Auto­Sto­re, high-bay warehouse and nar­row-ais­le warehouse

Industrial Flooring »

Tough­ness, hard­ness and ela­s­ti­ci­ty all in one

Design Flooring »

Alt­hough the appearance of the flo­or also plays a major role

Floor Coatings »

Pro­tec­tion for a wide ran­ge of requi­re­ments

Joint solutions »

The main­ten­an­ce-free joint solu­ti­on for logi­stics and pro­duc­tion are­as

The P&K Newsletter.

With our news­let­ter we inform you about new pro­duct deve­lo­p­ments, spe­cial cus­to­mer pro­jects and upco­ming events.

Certificates and Memberships

BEB – Fede­ral Asso­cia­ti­on of Screed and Flo­o­ring Heinz Knau­se­der is chair­man of the working groups on magne­sia screed and nar­row ais­le sys­tems
RAL qua­li­ty con­trol
CEN Mem­ber of the Euro­pean Com­mit­tee for Stan­dards for Flat­ness in Logi­stics Cen­tres – Nar­row Ais­le Warehou­ses
Quiflex Cer­ti­fied instal­ler for Quiflex
Fach­ver­band Fuß­bo­den­bau Baden-Würt­tem­berg Guild of Screed and Flo­o­ring Würt­tem­berg P&K has been a mem­ber for over 25 years
DIN – Ger­man Indus­try Stan­dard Mem­ber of the Stan­dards Com­mit­tee for Screed Stan­dards Guest mem­ber of the Stan­dards Com­mit­tee for Buil­ding Tole­ran­ces
TRGS 519 Appro­ved for pol­lutant reme­dia­ti­on accor­ding to TRGS 519 (asbes­tos rem­oval)
TÜV moni­tors accor­ding to §63 of the Water Resour­ces Act
